3 abstract blades of a turbine on a lean representing movement.
Shaped into a runner by the additional shape on the top blade that acts as an arm. Can also represent wind.
Smooth leaf like blades and shapes represent fluidity, movement, wind.
3 blades represent the 3 Strategic Pillars of the Club.
To reflect the ongoing renewable investment that is occurring across all areas of our region.
Definition: a machine for producing continuous power in which a wheel or rotor is made to revolve by a fast moving flow of water, steam, gas, air or other fluid. Good alignment with speed, power, and using natural resources (talents) in an attempt to become more efficient and sustainable - applicable to Athletics. ​
Note: Athletics South West take an impartial and apolitical view around the benefit, or otherwise, of the decisions around Wind Turbine infrastructure in our region. By calling ourselves the Turbines, we are not endorsing any views, projects, or ideology in this space, much like a team that calls themselves pirates, hurricanes or bombers are endorsing or promoting any of these outcomes
3 abstract blades of a turbine on a lean representing movement.
Shaped into a runner by the additional shape on the top blade that acts as an arm. Can also represent wind.
Smooth leaf like blades and shapes represent fluidity, movement, wind.
3 blades represent the 3 Strategic Pillars of the Club.