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Incorporated Rules


Athletics South West Inc (ASW) - Incorporated Rules




Athletics South West Inc (ASW) - By Laws


Child Safety


ASW adopt the Athletics Victoria Child Safety Statement of Commitment and Child Safety Code of Conduct.




Conflict resolution Member Information Protection


ASW, follows Athletics Victoria’s Grievance policies, however we have a liaison officer available to discuss and advocate with/for any concerned party, the officer follows guidelines as per Play by the rules training (official accreditation pending), to offer options and give relevant information should issues arise.


ASW maintains and updates all relevant contacts each year. Should you require more information, please go to our website for further information on best contact details for our MIPO.




ASW adopt the Athletics Victoria Photography Policy. 


ASW will take photos of members, at all levels of competition (where possible) and will publish via our social media platforms and may include media coverage, for the purpose of promoting both the club and the athletes achievements.  Any person NOT giving permission for media coverage, would have (at time of membership), previously indicated this however all members are able to express this at any time. 




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